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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Duels abound – Yu-Gi-Oh

Duels abound – Yu-Gi-Oh

Duelists of the nation,

Prepare yourselves for the newest site with all your YU-GI-OH needs!

Coming Soon..

Buy, Sell & Trade… looking for that one card(s) your looking for buy it from us, or trade with other duelists of the nexus. Need that extra cash boost for that fresh new pack? Sell a few here, make an offer to us or your new found duelist pals and make that extra cash.

Forum… Everyone loves to talk about duel experience, past and present. Share your stories in our new forum page.

Chat… Chat with friends here, learn about fellow duelists, step up to new challengers, discover your inner duelist on our chat page.

More is to come, as the Duelist Revolution continues!

Duel Plaza